Cara Jadi Programmer yang Punya Growth Mindset
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- Deep Tech Talk 22 bersama Setia Budi
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- Talks
Stages of Typical Learning
- Start with enthusiasm
- Encounter difficulties
- Start to feel incompetent
- Maybe I am not talented enough
- Giving up
- GOTO 1
Self Esteem Movements
- Starts in the early 1990s
- We were told to tell everyone how great and talented they are
- Result & Metric oriented
- Reward era: Badges, Certificates, Titles, Stars, Stickers
Growth Mindset
- Life is a great big adventure
- Obstacles we encountered would only make us stronger
- Failure is normal part of our journey
- Challenges and mistakes help us learn
- We enjoy the challenges we have and become more resilient
- I want to become my best self
Meluangkan waktu belajar, bukan menunggu waktu luang untuk belajar
Eko Suprapto Wibowo
Things to do (The power of yet):
- I don’t understand it, yet
- Difficulty just meant not yet
- See challenges as adventures
- If we work hard, we will have progress
- Don’t worry about mistakes, they are part of life and we can learn from them
Belum Bisa > Tidak Bisa
hati-hati dengan Fake Growth Mindset
Be mindful agar aware ketika kita dalam state Fixed Mindset, bagaimana caranya? tanyakan pada diri sendiri beberapa pertanyaan berikut.
How is my feeling when
- Facing a big challenge
- Receiving criticism (tidak defensive ketika menerima kritik)
- Finding other that can do better
be mindful to identify in which state : Fixed mindset & Growth mindset
Selalu ingat kalau kita terlahir sebagai pembelajar
We were born as a learner
- belajar berjalan dengan 2 kaki
Rekomendasi buku
- mindset carol s. dweck
- thinking in bets, annie duke
Harta paling berharga adalah waktu
- alokasikan waktu untuk belajar
- energy terbatas untuk belajar
- alokasikan dengan bijak
- tidak perlu mempelajari segala hal