Wayan Jimmy's Brain

My Homelab



How to

Setup Raspberry Zero Wifi Headless

Setup K3s HA with Ansible

Setup Cloudflare tunnel



Oct 2021

I created a repo to store centralized definition of my k3s-cluster k3s-gitops.

Mar 2022

Added 2 Raspberry 3 Model B to the cluster, one as a server another as a agent.

I will try to migrate my Pihole to the this new cluster, so I can free another Raspberry 3 as a new agent.

Jun 2022

Setup Cloudflare Tunnel and WARP to be able access my local network from anywhere.

I created a Hello world application using the nginx container https://mango.rollingsayu.xyz

Install MariaDB on Raspberry Zero but not inside the Kubernetes Cluster

Feb 2023

I decide to remove all the kubernetes stuff from my cluster since kubernetes took a lot of resources, and seems like not a good choice for my current situation, and change it to just docker container with some binary which is managed by supervisord and systemd.

Tasks [66%]

DONE use Anker power usb avoid using too much adapter

DONE Deploy hello world container

DONE Gitops using Fluxcd

KILL Setup K3s with use Metallb instead of servicelb

HOLD Setup NFS storage for sharing volumes between container

TODO Explore Nomad
