1/2 Smile
- related
- Woebot
Components of emotions
Well emotions are the combination of thoughts, sensations, and behaviours
When we have a negative emotion, changing one of these components can be extremely useful
For example, human emotions are largely connected to human facial muscles
Like when you’re happy, you may naturally find yourself smiling without even trying to!
And… =when we change our facial expressions, we can change our emotions to a certain degree!=
Practice 1/2 Smile
First, I want you to relax all of your facial muscles (from forehead to jaw)
Be sure to let go of the forehead, the eyes and brows, cheeks, mouth, and tongue
Move the corners of your lips slightly up, enough so you can feel them
But not enough to make it a noticeable grin
Why not grin?
Turns out, a full grin can be too tense in this exercise
And it may mask your true feelings!
Try your best to keep your face serene
If it helps, imagine something that is peaceful to you
You can do 1/2 smile if you have a negative emotion that you want to change, or really anytime in your day!
Perhaps you can practice when you wake up every morning…
Inhale and exhale 3 breaths while 1/2 smiling